Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Benji & Cinnamon'

About Cinnamon
Cinnamon was a beautiful Shetland sheepdog mix. She was yellow in color with some merle markings on her face and ears. Cinnamon was a very sweet dog. She loved everyone and was always excited to meet new people. She was very intelligent, too.
When did you lose Cinnamon?
Cinnamon passed away on January 29th, 2011. Her death was so sudden, that it's shook everyone up. When we got home that day, she was already almost gone and in shock. Moving her would have put her in greater shock. We did the best we could to make her last minutes on Earth comfortable, though.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Currently, I am somewhere between denial and anger. There are sometimes when I just feel so numb and unsure of what happened. I'll stop and look for her, wondering where she went. Then, there are others, where I just feel so angry.
Benji and Cinnamon's Story so far
We brought Cinnamon home as a very tiny puppy and raised her as best as we knew how. Cinnamon grew into a beautiful dog and though she was always my dog before anyone else's, she was still the perfect family dog. She saw me grow from a spoiled teenager into the adult that I am today and I saw her grow from a sweet puppy into an even sweeter dog. We're not completely sure how Cinnamon got sick, but we do have an idea. I pray that our idea isn't true, because we searched our house high and low and found nothing she could have gotten into inside. I can't imagine anyone hateful enough to take my best friend from me. Cinnamon passed away beside me. Her heart failed, and she was gone. Daily life so far has been hard. I've had trouble getting back into the swing of things, but I'm trying, because I know that's what my Moo Moo would want.
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