Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jessica & Mickey'

About Mickey
Mickey, my german shepard mix breed. Brown, tan and white.
When did you lose Mickey?
11/05/10 Mickey went unexpectedly at home. He had a belly ache on Wednesday, seemed better Thursday and passed on Friday night.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I think I'm still in denial. It's been 3 weeks today and I still can't believe that he's gone, it seems to me like he's at the vets or a friends house visiting and getting ready to come home soon. I find myself getting angry quick for no reason at all just about anything in general.
Jessica and Mickey's Story so far
I adopted Mickey when he was 2 days old. His dog momma passed away and I fell in love instantly with him. He had his share of health problems and gave me quite a few scares over the years but he was such a strong boy he overcame them with flying colors.
He became paralyzed in his hind end earlier this year and I got him a Kart which he did good in at first but then really didn't like it too much. The vet was always so amazed by how good he was always doing despite his medical conditions. I always just said he loves life, even at 13 years old and paralyzed he loved life. Still played with toys loved to swim and go in the car. He was my child in every sense of the word.
Everything seems so hard now to do, everything reminds me of him. It's 3 weeks tonight that he passed and it still feels like yesterday it happened. I feel guilty like I should have known how to save him, or that because I didn't take him to the vet when he had a belly ache that I let him die.
I finally found an urn for him that I feel is worthy of him. I think about you every day Mickey and I miss you so much! Please know how much your mommy loves you and you are always going to be in my heart. Nothing or no one will ever replace you. I wish I would have known how to save you so I could keep you here with me. I'm so sorry for that my baby boy.
I love you very much Mickey Bear and I miss you everyday!
RIP my baby, until we meet again.
Your Pet Loss Diaries - 'Jessica & Mickey'
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