Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Bette & Ellie Mae'

About Ellie Mae
Ellie Mae Huntemann my part German Shepard/part Husky.
When did you lose Ellie Mae?
Friday morning 01-14-2011
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I feel lost without her in the house. I think about her all the time. I'm trying to not cry at night but it is so hard without her there. My husband had chinese food and always gave Ellie the broccoli, and he called out for her to give it to her, then started crying!!
Bette and Ellie Mae's Story so far
Ellie was a rescue from my old boss. Trial weekend which turned into 15 years. So sweet lovable playful. She followed me everywhere. She was a runner, so we had to make sure she wasn't able to get out. However she got out at least 10 times, we would all go looking for her, or someone would call stating they had Ellie. I miss her more than I would have ever imagined. She will be cremated and placed on our fireplace mantel with our other 2 dogs. That should be in a couple of days, looking forward to getting her back, but not looking forward to her being gone. I pray she is playing and running free in doggie heaven and she was able to run with ease across the Rainbow Bridge!! xoxo
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