Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jennifer & Bailey'

About Bailey
Bailey, a coon hound mix that had the most beautiful eyes and face. There will never be a more beautiful and strong dog. I rescued him from the shelter in 2000, he was just a few weeks old.
When did you lose Bailey?
Bailey developed a tumor in his mouth that required a very expensive surgery that we couldn't afford. He also developed a large tumor under is arm. The tumor in his mouth forced his tongue to the side and he was unable to eat properly, he was bleeding and salivating and drinking excessively. I decided it was time to put him out of his suffering and my husband took him to the humane society where he was euthanized. My husband just left and it haunts me what Bailey went through and I feel so guilty.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Extreme sadness and emptiness, a feeling that I have never felt even with human loss. Bailey's love was pure, no judgement, all forgiveness and unconditional.
Jennifer and Bailey's Story so far
Bailey was meant for me. The minute I saw him I knew. He looked into my eyes with an intensity that made me feel so loved. He would lick my tears until I couldn't breath. He was our protector, our guard, our free spirit.
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