by Jennifer Blough
(Montville, Ohio)
It is almost a year since Bailey has passed and I can still see him in my mind, the way he looked at me, his awful breath, his lean and strong body, his run when he knew there was a rabbit to catch, his brother Carter licking his wounds. Carter is still with us and we try to make up for his brother not being here but Carter is older than Bailey and is moving very slow these days.
I still cry thinking about Bailey. My only hope is to see him again one day in heaven. Until then, I know my Bailey is still protecting our family on a different plain. Every rainbow, every tiny black fly.....I think of Bailey. My only regret of having Bailey is that I didn't show him just how much he meant to me or how much I loved him and will always love him no matter how bad he was at times or how messy he was or how much he smelled. Those things just fade away and only the good memories remain. My dog....I love you Bailey.