Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jessika & Ruby'

About Ruby
Ruby a.k.a Ruby Ru, Little Ruby Redress. An almost four and a half year young Rottweiler who was not the sharpest tool in the shed but was full of love, hugs (yes I taught her how to give hugs) and kisses. She would sometimes be teased for being the smallest Rottie anyone had ever seen. That was my doing because when she was a puppy I gave her EXPENSIVE dog food that had a growth control hormone that was best for larger dog breeds with the focus on reducing chances of hip dysplasia.
She had a loving and silly personality. I would tell people who were nervous on meeting her (because she was a Rott) that she was likely to kill you from kissing you not biting. Sometimes she'd get so excited on meeting people she'd actually fall over. She was one to love but also one to not test. If you were a stranger that came in through the fence, you didn't belong here and if you tried hurting her family she was quick to act.
When did you lose Ruby?
This past Friday (13th July 2012). We had been taking her to the veterinarian since March for diarrhea and over time she had also lost a lot of weight. This past treatment was going to be the make or break and for a little while she seemed to improve, but then she went downhill.
On Friday I had noticed that she was not getting up, I figured she was just tired so I gave her her medication as usual and then I had to leave to get my husband some lunch. When I got back my mother-in-law told me that she still hadn't gotten up. So I called my husband who told me to call the vet. Because she wasn't getting up they said that she was even more weak and in pain and that she was at the end of her rope.
Of course the decision was mine on what to do but I knew that the best thing for my baby was to let her go. I did not want her to suffer one single second more. I carried her to my car as I did when I first got her and went our last ride. I was with her through the whole process, as much as it killed me I wanted her to know I was there and that I loved her. She fought through it though; the nurse said, "She doesn't want to leave you." All I could do was hold her and tell her that everything was going to be okay, that I loved her, it was okay to go and that I will miss her. After the last shot it took less than a minute for her heart to stop.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
I'm angry and depressed. My friends have been doing a good job at keeping me occupied so I don't have to be at home. I break down and cry at random times because I want my Ruby. She was only four, almost four and a half years young. She was my first four legged baby that I had gotten that I raised and spoiled.
Jessika and Ruby's Story so far
I had gotten Ruby from a breeder in Lompoc, CA through the easy ad. I was a senior in high school and on my own and wanted a companion. Like my mom I also have a deep love of Rotties so I figured why not look to see? That little monster cost me $550. It took me and my boyfriend (now husband) days to pick a name for her until we both one day said Ruby. He just thought the name was cute and I picked it from Wanda Sykes' character in the movie "Monster-in-Law" (Ruby).
For the longest months I swear she was worse than a newborn! I'd tell my friends at school, "You want a kid? Get a puppy Rottweiler." Frikin all hours of the night she'd be crying for everything: food, love attention, wanting to sleep with me, she wanted the lights on... the list is endless.
We moved around to a few places before I moved in with my man. Through all that it was me and my Ruby. The transition wasn't hard for her, she loved Daniel already and she got along well with his dog, Tucker. We lived in our house for a few months before moving in with Daniel's parents. That's when everything changed. She was still my dog but it was hard fighting over her when someone else was too that owned the house we cohabitated in. But Ruby always remembered her mama. A true and good girl.
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