Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Cori & Willy'

About Willy
Willy was a Black German Shepherd. My best friend, my strength, my confidence when I had none.
When did you lose Willy?
December 27, 2010 at 11:15 A.M.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
There's a huge whole in me that feels like it will never be filled. The house seems empty,even though we have 2 other dogs,2 cats, 2 birds, 2 ferrets and 3 kids living here. It's been 3 days since I lost him, but it feels like years.
Cori and Winston's Story so far
He came into my life by chance, but as soon as I saw him I knew that we were meant to be together. (Read my pet loss story and pet tribute pages to see the whole story) From the day I brought him home we were inseparable. He gave so much to me.
We went through many very difficult times together, the death of my father-in-law, a house fire and then the death of my grandmother. I fostered dogs for over 2 years and he played a large part in helping those dogs to recover from their own ordeals and allow them to move on to a new life.
He was born with deformities in 3 joints in three different legs. When he came to us he was only 86 lbs. due to a digestive disorder. We needed each other. I was able to help him to overcome his physical problems ( he weighed around 115 lbs. when he died) and he helped me to cope with emotional issues that I have had since childhood. He gave me everything he had for 4 1/2 years. Then came my turn to give back to him.
Living without him is the hardest thing I have ever had to do. But I didn't want him to suffer. He could no longer go for the 4 mile long hikes we used to enjoy. Just a walk of a few blocks was tiring and painful for him. Getting off the floor was becoming harder. He started to get agressive due to the pain in his joints. When he tried to bite me twice I knew it was time. He had never put his mouth on me before, not even in play. With me he was the gentlest dog you could ever find.
We had a bond that went much deeper than just the pet owner relationship. We could not function without the other. Without him I was prone to anxiety and panic attacks. Without me he would not eat and would only pace. I buried him in our backyard, my husband had to do the actual burial. I could not bear to watch it, I have yet to be able to go out there yet. I was with him when he sighed his last breath. He was ready to go and did not fight it. I, on the other hand, could never be ready for life without the other half that made me whole.
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