Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Winnie & Trixie Marie'

About Trixie Marie
Trixie Marie my 17 1/2 year old black and white Rat Terrier.
When did you lose Trixie Marie?
I lost my Trixie to Transitional cell carcinoma on Labor Day. A vet and I helped her to cross over.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
Extremely sad, don't care to do much of anything. At times wishing I could go be with her right now.
Winnie and Trixie Marie's Story so far
Trixie and I found each other when I was stationed at Fort Sill, OK. We celebrated her birthday on January 28th, she turned 17 in 2011. She has been with me everywhere, even flying in airplanes. We found out on 12/14/2010 that she had transitional cell carcinoma in her bladder. She fought so hard but on Labor Day 2011, the tumor had fully enveloped her bladder. I made the hardest decision in my life to help her cross over. I held her tired little body and talked to her while the vet administered the drugs. I literally felt her little spirit leaving her body, she felt so light afterwards. Just a shell of the force of nature that was Trixie Marie. God I miss her so much.
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