by Winnie Byron
(Kalamazoo MI)
Woke up to a grey and rainy day, cold and depressing. Perfect for my frame of mind and soul, I hate waking up and having to remember that Trixie is no longer here with me.
I got the call from the funeral home today, I will be picking up Trixies ashes on Tuesday. How am I gonna deal with that?
I keep feeling for her where she used to lay on the chair with me. Tonight I have to go to work, I dont know how I am going to make it through the night. I just want to be alone and sleep.
Trixie it is so hard here without you my little one. I know you are healthy and free from pain where you are. How I envy you and so wish I was there with you. I can't wait to feel your little face in my hands once again and to kiss that sweet head.
I miss you so much my little one, have a good night.