Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Kath & Pawsy', UK

About Pawsy
'Pawsy' my beautiful black and white short haired cat.
When did you lose Pawsy?
She was put to sleep on Friday 16th July 2010 at 2pm.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
At the very beginning. Heartbroken, devastated and just overwhelmed with raw emotion. Crying and just so desolate.
Kath and Pawsy's Story so far
I have shared in the life of this darling little cat since she was just six weeks old. Twenty years ago I carried her home inside my sweater - a tiny bundle of fluff lying against my skin to keep her warm as it was a cold day and we were walking home. My young son had asked for a kitten and 'Paws' (as she was originally named) was the one.... now after lots of happy years she died only a few days ago from chronic renal failure...
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