Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Margaret & Max'

About Max
Max was my 1st and only dog I've ever had. He was a 14 year old Beagle mix, at the time of his death. I had him since he was a puppy. He was so sweet, playful, and kind. He was truly a gift from God.
When did you lose Max?
I lost my best friend Max on May 31, 2011. The first dog I've ever had. It was so very hard to put him down. it broke my heart, and still does.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
I'm doing better, but still miss him everyday. I've worked through a lot of this raw grief, it was hard. I cried so much for 3 months, I had to have my throat checked out with a barium swallow, which wasn't fun, it turned out ok. It's just because I had been crying too hard, for too long.
I still cry for him, but not like I did in the first 3 months. I still have depression though, it's not as bad as before, most days. But, I think of him everyday, miss & love him, and still write to him everyday in my journal. I've just purchased a pet locket for some of his cremains.
All of this therapy helps, but knowing he's gone forever still hurts bad. I can live with it better now, but I will never get over him. And it's so very hard, everyday. Just when I think I'm making progress, wham! here comes those things, triggers, or just thoughts that start the tears flowing again! His loss really brought me to my knees. I never knew I could love so much! It hurts like hell, but thankful for the time we did have, and the memories.
Margaret and Max's Story so far
Got that little guy back in 96. Didn't really want a dog, but glad my hub and son insisted! He became my best friend. All the seasons we shared, all the walks in his favorite parks, all the games we played!
He followed me everywhere, was always with me in good times and bad. He was a true friend, and I miss him so much! When he got sick, so quickly, I had to make the decision to let him go. He had so many issues. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Letting him go, tore my heart apart, still does. I will miss & think of him always. I still miss him like crazy, everyday.
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