Your Pet Loss Diaries

'Margaret & Max'

Maxemoe, My Sweet Beagle Mix Baby, My 1st Dog

August 31, 2011

by Margaret
(Cincinnati, Ohio)

Dearest sweet Max,

I'm missing you so very much! Losing you was the hardest thing that has ever happened to me, as I had to let you go, because you were so sick. I'm sorry, I tried to do everything to save you, and I never wanted you to go.

I've been trying to work thru my grief in positive ways. I made a memorial to you in the garden, got a special dog statue painted in your markings, got you a really special urn for your remains. But, whatever I do, it doesn't seem to help, because I will never get over your loss. We were so close, I had you for 14 great years, and even one more day with you, wouldn't be enuff.

I remember you in every way, everyday. Everything I do, brings sweet memories of you. I hope someday I can move forward and remember you without the grief, but had you for 14 years, it may take me that long to get over losing you. But, you will 4ever & always be in my heart.

Love & miss you so much! Please wait for me at the Rainbow Bridge. I believe in God, so this must be true. Till we meet once again, luv you baby with all my heart!

Love you 4ever & always,

Your Mommy

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