Your Pet Tributes


by Sharon
(Deltona, FL, USA)

I had to make that awful decision on January 14, 2009 when Vader was having heart failure. He was 13.

I picked him out of the litter only moments after he was born, on April 27, 1995. He was the only all black cocker spaniel in the litter, hence the name Vader. We went everywhere together. He loved the water, and even loved diving underwater to look for and collect rocks, and loved riding with me in my kayak.

He was very smart, and knew a lot of tricks. My kids loved showing his tricks off to their friends when they came over, and my Son said that he was more like a Brother than a family pet. He was loved by many and will continue to live in our hearts for a long time.

There will never be another "Sharon's Vader Radar"

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