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My Thoughts Go Out To You
by: Joe


First I must apologize that I have not responded to your kind words until now. Sometimes I miss e-mails notifications, and I'm afraid I missed the one from your response to my tribute to Sugarfoot. I'm so very glad that my tribute was able to provide you some solace. You have also provided me some, as well, and made me realize that I never fully grieved the loss of my first cat, Tiger. It seemed it wasn't long after that in which there was another passing in my family, and this loss too I never fully grieved. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your Mitsou and ten years later, your mother. Grieving is such a difficult process, maybe the most difficult of them all.

I hope that now you are beyond your grief and doing well in your life.

Take care, and best wishes to you and yours.


Five Years
by: Joe

It's been five years, my bud, but it seems still like yesterday that I lost you. On that night I sensed that time would never flow for me the same, and it seems, no matter how deep in grief that thought came, it was right. I've had many dreams of you in the past year, and in them you were yourself again, walking a diagonal so many times in the backyard that you made a path, pawing for fish at the ephemeral creek just beyond it, up to your best mischief and mayhem. I like to think time flows differently for both of us now. I like to think that my dreams of years past, where you seemed in them confused, almost lost, are forever gone, and that same way, I am no longer confused or lost, either ... I am just as you are: waiting for a different, clearer time.

Simon misses you; I can sense that about him from time to time. He misses playing with you, but even more he misses how you and he used to groom each other. There was something so peaceful about watching you two do that (even knowing the crazy side in each of you, when the grooming started, was only moments away!). He is doing well here in Waldorf, hunting, playing, getting his catnip high; getting his daily love. He and Billie are still having their cold war, which I fear will always last between them. Billie you would have liked, bud; she's temperamental around other cats, but I think you and she would have gotten on just fine. No, better than that.

I wish you could be here with us, but know that wherever you are you will always be in my thoughts, in my heart; time will never touch either. It can't. Some things are greater than time, even greater than heartache.

Wherever you are, my friend, may you know peace and love and happiness. May you know all good things.

And may you tell me about them when next we meet again.

Your friend, Joe.

Thank you
by: Celine

Hello Joe,

Your tribute to Sugarfoot touched me deeply. I needed this to help me with my own grief. I always had cats in my life and loved them dearly. One in particular was with me 18 years and died in my arms, Mitsou. When that happened, I was very confused and a lot was going on in my life. This was almost 10 years ago and I realize today, after loosing my mother in November, that I hadn't fully lived my grief for Mitsou when she died. Of course, I am still grieving Mom but it seems that all the griefs I did not have time or guts to face are coming back to the surface and I have to go through this now, there are no escape from it and I don't want to escape anymore. This is so hard, but your beautiful letter is the kind of things I need right now to show me the way.

Thanks Joe, and a happy long life to you and those you love.


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