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'My Holly Boo Boos, Six Months Now'

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My baby Holly Boo Boos
by: christine sznurfeil lancashire

It's been almost three years now since we had to let you go Holly, never a day goes by without your name being mentioned, we miss you so very much.

I have got another boxer now, she could never replace you in my life because you were the one and only for us, but she is a complete idiot and I might add she sneaks on the couch or the chair when she thinks no one is watching just like you did, we think you have been teaching her your tricks.

I know you see us and I only wish I could see you or to have you here with us, but I'm sure you are having fun up there in rainbow bridge running about like you did here with us, I just wanted to tell you that I love you very much sweetie, every night I say goodnight Holly and I wonder if you hear me, and this Christmas eve so the story goes that all pets get the chance at midnight to see their owners and visit, that we will know when you come, till then my beautiful baby Boo Boos be a good girl, know that we all miss you and love you more than ever.

Love and kisses from Mom, Dad, Steven, Katie and AJ x x x x

Holly Boo Boos three years later
by: christine sznurfeil

Hello Boo Boos,

It's been three years since we had to let you go, and we have never forgot you nor will we ever, we have another Boxer now called Lexi, but her nick name is Doris because she is so silly. She is a typical Boxer not quiet like you were, she loves sitting on chairs and the sofa like you did, and I might add pushes you off the bed if she gets the chance like. That was something you were really good at, we think you and her have been having conversations.

We still miss you very much and often have a chat about you, bet you are having loads of fun in the fields up in rainbow bridge, be good we all love you always.

Mom and Dad x x x

Thank You.
by: Hannah

Your poem in this entry made me break into tears. It relates so much to how I had to let my sweet baby bunny go as well. It's hard to put an animal down, but you are SO very brave for doing so!!

Thank you so much for that poem.
It really helps.
- Hannah

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'My Holly Boo Boos, Six Months Now'.