Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Katherine & Bella'

About Bella
Bella was my beautiful Ragdoll/Himalayan kitty.
When did you lose Bella?
Thursday March 15th 2012, she was only a year and 8 months.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I feel still very sad and a little angry! I don't understand why God took her away from me so soon and I am angry with myself because I wish I could have thought to call her to come home!!!
Katherine and Bella's Story so far
I had Bella since she was just a kitten. She was so adorable and clung to me very fast even though there were other people in the house. I think she knew I was her mommy! I spoiled her with treats every day and she slept by me almost every night. One evening it was really nice out and unusual for March, I let her out in the backyard, pet her and left to go out. She was busy starring at birds ha ha. Later when I was home she still wasn't back which wasn't unusual so I didn't think much of it. At around 11pm we got a call from my boyfriend's sister saying to come outside to the corner she found a cat on the road and it looks like one of ours. I ran over and found my baby on the ground. She was hit by a car on the right side of her head. She was bleeding, but still breathing heavily. Not moving at all so we drove to the vet and unfortunately he said she would never be the same. She had a broken jaw and was blind. I watched as he put her down but I knew she wasn't in pain anymore. I miss her dearly words can't describe!!!!
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