Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Hailee & Ziggy'

About Ziggy
Ziggy my cream colored Siamese kitten, only 7 months old.
When did you lose Ziggy?
I lost my kitten Ziggy on January 15th 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I feel very upset but at the same time I feel at peace knowing that he's OK and with God in heaven even though I wish he could be down here with me.
Hailee and Ziggy's Story so far
I got Ziggy back in July of 2011 after my previous cat Rascal had to be put to sleep due to cancerous tumors. He was only 1 and he died a week after his birthday. The animal welfare I adopted him from felt really bad and decided to give me a new cat to try to cope with the loss. Ziggy was the cutest little kitten I had ever seen and if I brought him anywhere no one would of told you different. When I brought Ziggy home to my other cat Blue and our two Shelties he was pretty scared but adjusted well to everything, he was just a fun little kitten. One day I noticed he was breathing very hard so I took him to the vet they said it could be an infection or allergies so they gave him medicine first for an infection and told me to come back if he wasn't responding well to that then he may need a steroid injection. So it seemed like he was doing fine still a little heavy on the breathing but his appetite and everything else was normal. The other day something just was not right at all I sat there with him and cried and cried because I had a bad feeling that he would not make it. He would not respond to me at all not even when I would clap right by his face he would not even lift his ear. We ended up taking him to the emergency vet and that's when they said it's a high possibility it's heart disease but in order to tell they needed x-rays however they also said when doing the x-rays he may pass with even moving him. I then had to make the tough decision to just let him go. I didn't want to see him go through pain anymore. The poor thing had to breathe through his mouth I couldn't stand to sit there and watch him die in front of me. Luckily they gave me a clay imprint of his paw to take home with me. I miss him dearly but I appreciate the short 5 months we had together. He's in a better place now and I will see him one day in the future.
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