Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Velvet & Bharti'

About Velvet
My pet daughter 'Velvet'. Velvet… the name sounds slightly less soft than what she actually was. Flawless beauty like a sculpture is an understatement. Most loyal, loving, possessive, obedient, non aggressive... in short she was an ANGEL!!
When did you lose Velvet?
May 15, 2011, 7:30PM.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Shock, grief.
Bharti and Velvet's Story so far
My Angel Velvet,
I still remember the moment I picked you for the first time at the breeder's place, miraculously you crossed your hands in 'Namaste' and that was it, you were mine from that moment. The flawless pure white beauty, which became a big 'STOP'sign for all onlookers in due course with flowing tags like, snow white, beauty, almond eyes etc etc.
You were welcomed in your new home with a red teeka and a prayer for long life. This teeka become one of your beauty enhancers on every Hindu festival. Your name Velvet was a perfect match for your soft hair and also rhymed with your sister's name Varenya.
Life seemed to be an endless happy journey with every moment spent with you till one day.
The day of May 15th that spelt disaster in our life when you gave us the hardest learning in the worst possible manner that the World changes in a moment. You took the path of no return, thus breaking our family chain. You embarked on a longest journey, leaving your family behind with ever flowing tears. We loved you with all our heart. Will I ever get a chance to meet you again?
My hands are craving to hold you, my lips are longing to kiss you, my eyes are yearning to see you walk shaking your head. It's been 7 days, but not even a moment has passed without remembering you. Every corner of this house contains your memories, your smell, your hair, your love..
Baby? How are you now? Do those people take good care of you? Are they giving you 'greenie'? You fave treat in the morning? Do they take you out for walk frequently, as your Papa used to do here? Is that place warm enough? You loved warmer places only. Do they give you milk on Mondays as you used to have here after evening pooja? Are there enough loving kids whom you loved playing with? Have you told them to take you for car rides as you loved the wind blow on your face. Are they giving you an earful for being a clumsy eater? I know baby, you scatter food all around. Tell them 'Mumma wud come & clean for me'. When they bathe you, tell them not to use hot water.. you can bear only lukewarm water.
Velvet I know, you'll always watch us from heaven. Do you see the insurmountable pain we are going thru without you? Varu's tears flow down her cheeks every morning, every night, she keeps your hairbrush, collar and scarf at her bedside. You papa's eyes often get welled up with tears and he goes out in the pretext of something or other just to hide it from us. I've preserved the last bowl of water that you drank and the last bowl of your unfinished food. Whenever you were scared or in trouble, you used to rush towards me, hop on my lap?, then why you didn't do that when you sensed your destiny?
Yes Love needs no language. Without speaking a single word you conveyed your unconditional love explicitly. Just want to know? How you never hold grudges against anybody? You pretend to do some self appraisal when we used to scold you & then happy in a jiffy all over again. Can we replicate some of your qualities to make humans at least 1% of you.
You were an angel that god gifted us. You came into this earth only to give us most beautiful experience. Our relationship still exists thru an invisible cord called LOVE from earth to heaven. Some day you'll see the face that loved you most walking towards you, with a stretched out arms carrying tears of joy in the eyes, and a smile in the face. And that will be our ultimate reunion. Once again we'll cling together, my hands will caress my beloved Velvet's head, I'll plant a kiss on your beautiful white furred forehead.
The only solace is that you are amidst angels now where you'll always be happy, healthy, plenty of food & goodies to eat, lots of friends to play, lots of balls, birds and leaves to chase. You must've created a huge place in everybody's heart? You are so adept at it. Till we meet again, we'll see you in the shining star, feel you in the warmth of sunlight, realize your presence in every child's smile.
Buried in your love,
Your Mumma
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