Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Shelley & T-bone'

About T-bone
T-bone, he was a Bull Mastiff/Boxer mix. He was 10 years old.
When did you lose T-bone?
We lost him Thursday, January 12, 2012. It will be one week in 2 days.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
Crying all the time. Can't get thru the day painlessly.
Shelley and T-bone's Story so far
My husband (just dating then) got T-bone (Bubby) for me. We have been inseparable for 10 years. He goes on vacation with us and lays outside the shower for me and lays at my feet while I'm in the kitchen. He loved everyone and they all loved him because he was so mellow. 90 pound lap dog. People couldn't believe he would lay on my all the time. We found out Thanksgiving day he had Lymphoma, which quickly drained him. By New Years day he had gone from 92 to 62 pounds. I had to hand feed him since he couldn't lower his head to the bowl without choking. He had 2 large tumors on both sides of his throat and also on his shoulder blades. I had been giving him fish oil, flax oil and glucosomine, which reduced the tumors but by that time he was too weak. I kept hoping he would get better and just knew I was right. I didn't have time to grieve over his illness, let alone his death. I finally had to realize he would be in a better place if we made the hard choice. I just got his ashes back and can't let go of them.
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