Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Darlene & Skipper'

About Skipper
Skipper my Rat Terrier.
When did you lose Skipper?
Skipper passed on Dec 10, 2008.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I don't think the grief ever goes away, one just learns to live with it and move on with life's journey.
Darlene and Skipper's Story so far
May 10, 1991- Dec 10, 2008 Skipper lived to be 17 years 7 months. What a journey we had together. He came into our lives at the age of 6 weeks old. He was an awesome member of the family. Loved and was loved by everyone who met him.
He was always so full of life, in his younger days, running and chasing squirrels, even chasing one up a tree one time, it was so funny, to see the look on his face, once he noticed that he was in a tree... He went just about everywhere we did, on the few trips we couldn't take him with us, he stayed with "grandpa and grandma" or at a bed and biscuit.
As he aged, he began to slow down, that was the hardest part, to see him lose the sight in one eye, and his hearing fading. He spent the last year of his life, mostly sleeping on the couch. But I cherished the last year of his life, knowing that his time was coming soon.
When we had to make the decision to put him down, it was one of the hardest things we ever had to do. I am just thankful, he didn't suffer, and we were there to say goodbye and tell how much we loved him and would miss him. He will live forever in my heart.
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