Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Sami & Sheeba'

About Sheeba
Sheeba our Husky, just over a year old. She was very loved by all who met her. She was a very special pet that's for sure and her life was far to short.
When did you lose Sheeba?
November 29th 2010. A hunter shot and killed her sometime during the day.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Sami and Sheeba's Story so far
She's my boyfriend's family's dog. She was such a sweetheart. We all loved her so much. She loved us all and when you weren't feeling okay she'd just lay with you til you fell asleep.
Sheeba was born on March 20th, 2009, and passed away on November 27th, 2010. Her family loved her so much, she was trained to sit, bow, lay and even play dead. What a wonderful pet to have and no other pet can replace her.
One day we will find the horrible hunter that took her life.......we promise!
It's so hard on all of us to come up to the drive way knowing that our Sheeba is no longer there. It hurts so bad inside, it's like we lost my child. I have cried everyday and still crying now. It really hurts so bad inside. We will never forget you girl.
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