Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Theresa & Shaq, Pudgie, Roxie and Nino'

About Shaq, Pudgie, Roxie and Nino
Shaq the oldest boy... brown and white Pitbull/American Bulldog. Pudgie the oldest girl... all white with one black eye.. she literally was pudgy - American Bulldog with an attitude. Roxie girl the youngest of the litter all black with some white. The smartest of the family.. so snobby and delicate... The last was Nino brown just a baby. This was Shaq's son... he truly was a twin of his dad. So vibrant and took over the house. Oh and he liked to listen to music..
When did you lose 'Shaq, Pudgie, Roxie and Nino?
March 14, 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Theresa and Shaq, Pudgie, Roxie and Nino's Story so far
Me and Chris (my boyfriend) we birthed our dogs. His dog Simi was Shaq, Pudgie and Roxie's Mom. We delivered all of her babies and kept the 3. It was tough having so many dogs oh plus my Rotty Maxie... even though there were bad times there was more good.
Suddenly Simi's life ended short due to an accidental dog fight and we had her put to sleep.. that was extremely difficult. one month after my Maxie shortly became ill, her pain grew worse, her legs and joints were weak and I couldn't see her in pain anymore. At the short age of 7 maxie was also laid to rest. Wow 2 dogs gone from the family in 1 month. I can't even begin to explain the feelings.
So then there were 3 Shaq, Pudgie and Roxie... they also felt the loneliness and they were not adjusting either but all was well within time. Then there was Nino, Shaqs son. Chris decided to keep him. Which was good another dog of the same family. All was well until the tragic day of March 14, 2011 when our house caught on fire... all of our babies perished.... how does life go on.....
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