Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jodi & Shadow'

About Shadow
Shadow my 5 year old Black Labrador. Full of life, always making me laugh. And always being beside me when the world was against me.
When did you lose Shadow?
8:00 a.m Friday March 18th 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Sitting by where she was laid to rest, crying asking why. Why my baby girl. Why did someone HAVE to INTENTIONALLY kill her? Why did that person have to be driving down the road?
Jodi and Shadow's Story so far
I adopted Shadow from the dog pound about 3 years ago. She and I both clicked. We had a bond no one else ever have. Every where I went, my babygirl went with me. I couldn't leave her, she would look at me with her big brown eyes pleading to go "for a ride" whenever I said "wanna go for a ride" and jiggled my keys, my trusty pet was up and jumping ready to go.
I remember dropping a piece of ice into her water bowl just to watch her make bubbles while putting her nose underwater. I remember her sleeping at my feet, always keeping them warm on cold nights. I remember her being there when I was physically abused by my exboyfriend of 4 years, and her catching my tears and laying her head in my lap, understanding and loving.
She was my best friend, I talked to her when no one else was there, I hugged her when I didn't have any one else to hug. She stayed with me through the hardest times of my entire life. Losing my house, living in my truck, losing my grandparents. And now abruptly my heart shattered in a million pieces. My babygirl was taken from me. The lake where we spent most of our time, is now empty, the yard where we played is now deserted and quiet. No happy barking at the horses next to us, no running and playing.
I can't get over this. I miss her. And no one, close to me anyway, understands me. I'm so worried she is traveling the next life alone, I am not with her, to protect her, to love her. I miss you Shadow. Rest easy my love.
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