Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Elizabeth & Sabrina'

About Sabrina
Sabrina was a beautiful sweet soul. She was a Maine Coon with cream, tan, and cocoa coloring with blue eyes.
When did you lose Sabrina?
She was put to sleep April 21 due to a lymphoma. My daughter and husband made sure that her passing was peaceful and unlike our first cat's death.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I am still in shock. It happened so quickly. At the end she could not keep anything down and was so sick. She still tried to lift her head when you called her name and she would purr when you petted her. She was very brave. She gave love and only asked that it be returned. She gave more that she got and her loss is extremely heartbreaking. I never knew it would hurt so much to lose a cat. She had lymphoma and everyone in the household mourns for her. We miss you! We hope the angels are always circling around you giving you comfort. You certainly deserve it.
Elizabeth and Sabrina's Story so far
This cat was picked out by my son. She was one of three in the litter. I ended up getting all three of the cats from the litter. They are all so sweet and loving. Sabrina was my more quietly needy one. Her brother always demanded all the attention and would swat and hiss at her and her sister if they attempted to take to much attention. Once she ate part of a floral arrangement and almost died from it. I am so grateful to have had her in my life. I would not have ever known that her passing would be so painful. But, it taught me a great lesson. Slow down for your family and friends and cherish those moments you have together. They come and go so quickly and I often felt so overwhelmed by life they gave more than they received and I feel so horribly guilty and superbly saddened by her passing. I made a promise to honor my loved ones as much as possible.
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Your Pet Loss Diaries - 'Elizabeth & Sabrina'
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