Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Wendy & Sabbath'

About Sabbath
Sabbath was a cat. She was black, a little fluffy, small and her coat was very silky. She had a cute babyish nose and a tail that was always swirling.
When did you lose Sabbath?
Three nights ago, we took her to the vet, as she was ill with the effects of old age, she was 19 years and 8 months.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Anger and restlessness.
Wendy and Sabbath's Story so far
She came to me in 1991, when I had just experienced a huge life crisis. We adopted each other and become a unit of mutual love. Three years ago we moved house and she adapted happily because people not territory were important to her.
We used to play games when she was younger, and she would always 'talk' or trill when she jumped up on the bed. She had arthritis in her rear legs for the last 4 years and that got worse near the end, with stiffness and difficulty walking or jumping. She was eating well at the end, and had a snack of her favourite food bacon just before she went.
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