Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Shawnie & Ronnie'

About Ronnie
My baby boy's name was Ronnie. He was a beautiful, spunky, 3 month old ferret. Ronnie was feisty when he played, but when I was down he was the best cuddle bug. He sure knew how to make everybody happy.
When did you lose Ronnie?
Today, December 22, 2010. It's hard to believe how short his life was...
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
1-3. I am swinging back and forth from being shocked, to really mad, to just wishing I would have noticed he was sick sooner.
Shawnie and Ronnie's Story so far
I have a love for ferrets. They have always fascinated me and I would go into pet stores just to watch them. I went into a pet store and saw Ronnie, I instantly fell in love. All of the other ferrets were biting each other and paying no attention to me, but not Ronnie. He followed me all around the little cage and when they opened it he crawled right into my arms. How could I not take him home???
I already had another ferret named Pooka... Pooka did not know how to feel when I brought little Ronnie home, he completely ignored him. I felt so bad for the little guy, all he wanted to do was play!!!
It went on like that for a week or two. Ronnie would pounce on Pooka and Pook would have none of it. I felt so bad for him because he was just sort of shunned, I was thinking about taking him back to the store so he could have a family who he would fit into, and I went to get him out of the cage and lo and behold the two ferrets and playing together. Even grumpy ol' Pooka couldn't resist little Ronnie's charm.
He was the sweetest, crazziest little guy. I only had him for a few months but he was honestly my best friend. It's funny how something so small and annoying can weasel their way into your hearts. He would climb up my bed and into my lap and just cuddle with me when I had a rough day at work, and he loved hide and seek.
I came home today, and went to pull them out of the cage and I could only find Pooka. I became panicked. I ran inside and asked my Dad if he had seen Ronnie. The look on my Dad's face said it all. He told me he had to burry him. I lost it. I didn't believe him at first and thought he was playing some mean joke on me. But he showed me where and I could not stop crying.
"He was fine this morning." I kept saying. "How could this happen?"
I guess he fell from the top shelf of the cage... I can't say how sad I am, and how angry that he died from something that could have been prevented...
I'm glad I found this page. This is the hardest loss I have gone through yet for one of my furry family members...
Your Pet Loss Diaries - 'Shawnie & Ronnie'
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