Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jane & Ringo'

About Ringo
Ringo was 50 lbs with brown hair and brown eyes. "A kind of a mut" my son would say. But he really was a thoroughbred because of the dignity he gave our family. He was a thoroughbred to me and our family.
When did you lose Ringo?
I lost him on March 31, 2011 yesterday.... it has only been a day and it is very painful whenever I go home I feel really sad.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
The beginning because I decided to take him to vet on 31st because he was not getting any better. I knew it was inevitable but it was hard because I had no family to do this with me. My son was in Alaska and his wife in S. Carolina.
Jane and Ringo's Story so far
He actually was my son Chad's dog and I knew Chad was his master. But how I loved to be with him and kept him every time I could. He came into our life at a painful time when I was going through a divorce and Chad was about 15. Not too good for him but Ringo was a savior. He took care of us and we gladly took care of him. He was a rambunctous youngster and we loved it. He loved to get out of our fence and run the neighborhood. I suppose he was finally free because he live in a cage for a year or so as a blood donor in a vet clinic.
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