Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Rachel & Peanut'

About Peanut
Peanut, a sweet and adorable female hamster.
When did you lose Peanut?
January 26, 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I just lost her, so I miss her very much. I can't stop crying, and I regret not spending more time with her.
Rachel and Peanut's Story so far
When I was in sixth grade, my friend's hamster had babies. After days of begging my mom to let me have one, she gave in. Peanut was the last survivor of her litter. Sixth grade was an incredibly hard year for me, and I truly believe that my hamster helped me through it. I will and have always loved her. I noticed a couple days ago that she seemed way slower than usual. I was heartbroken. She was at the end of the normal life span for hamsters. I took her out for the last time very gently, and I fed her and petted her. I kissed her one last time and told her how much she meant to me. I didn't take her out after that because I was afraid it would stress her out too much, and I wanted to let her be in peace. This morning I saw her unmoving body, and I haven't stopped crying since. we buried her in the backyard. I will never stop missing her...
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