Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Diane & Odie'

About Odie
Odie was my best friend, he was a little dog, a Shih Tzu with big loving eyes, when he was younger he would love to ride in a basket on my bike.
When did you lose Odie?
I have another Shih Tzu who has cancer in her mouth, I just keep praying to hold on to the time I have left.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
Guilt, I keep asking myself if I put him to sleep too early. I know he was 16 years old, blind, and could not hear, he was losing control of bowels, and urine.
Diane and Odie's Story so far
Odie was having a hard time walking and could barely go outside on his own, so he would bark to let me know he had to go out, and bark again when he wanted me to come and get him, but just before the end, he could not do that anymore.
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