Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Hilary & Odessah', USA

About Odessah
Odessah, She was a beautiful grey, and white tabby. She had a slight attitude, but was very loving, intelligent, funny, outgoing, and loved everybody.
When did you lose Odessah?
March 11th, 2010. That was worse than when I found out I was getting divorced.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I am crying a lot, quiet, sad, angry, I talk to her, I look at her pix.
Hilary and Odessah's Story so far
I adopted Dessah on May 24th, 2003. She was my best friend, and I love her very much.
She used to nurse on herself, and it would shock people, and then people would think it was cute. She was a people kitty. She was very nosy, if I brought something new home, or if a repairman came into the home, she would snoop through everything.
She would lie on her back, and stretch out, and it was adorable. I thank God, that I was blessed to have adopted Odessah, and to have shared many memories with her.
She was my best friend, and she comfort me during my divorce, and made me laugh, and slept with me, and loved me, and I love her very very much.
Your Pet Loss Diaries - 'Hilary & Odessah'
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