Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Carol & Maggie-Mae'

About Maggie-Mae
Maggie-Mae is a white with black markings Shih Tzu. She is spayed and tattooed.
When did Maggie-Mae go missing?
August 22, 2010
Carol and Maggie Mae's Story so far
Maggie went missing or was stolen while we were on holidays in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada from Prince George BC. She was gone only a few minutes when we went looking and calling for her. We had to come back home 5 days later after searching, putting up posters and placing an ad in the local newspaper.
Two days after she went missing, we received a call from a lady that a dog fitting Maggie's description was seen at a golf course not too far from where she went missing. We went to the golf course but people were playing golf so we couldn't search the grounds. Many people were out on golf carts looking for her for us. We returned to the golf couse that night with flashlights and eight of us spread out and covered the course, calling and searching with no luck. After we got home, I posted an ad on Kijiji and Craig's List. I faxed posters to all the vet clinics and mailed posters to the groomers. So far there has been no positive results. I have also joined many web sites to put the story out to anybody that will see it but still no reply has come. I increased the reward on Kijiji just last week.
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