Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Page & Lucy'

About Lucy
Lucy, my beautiful white cat.
When did you lose Lucy?
I lost my "baby", Lucy, on March 28 2011, just a few weeks ago. I left for work and my husband left for his night class. Got a call just a few hours later that our apartment burned down. I'm crying right now just typing this. Lucy was in the apartment..
Luckily they found my baby and my husband was able to bury her. I worry about her being outside. I used to love the rain, but I hate it now because I feel like it bothers Lucy. When I think about her being in there, it just hurts me so bad. I wish I would have been there to pick her up and get her out of there. :'(
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I guess I am still in shock. I really just don't fully believe she is gone after having her for over 13 years. I can't even look at pictures of her right now. I have a hard time just talking about her or saying her name. Just still don't believe I will never see her again.
Page and Lucy's Story so far
I got Lucy when I was just 10 years old. Although I lived with my parents and my brother, she was "mine". She slept with me every night since I got her.. at the foot of my bed. At night when I got hoome from work, she was there, in the morning when I slept in late, she would jump on my chest as if to say, "Mom, get up." When my parents would fight and argue before their divorce, she was there for me. When no one understood my pain, she did.
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