Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Penny & Kane'

About Kane
Kane, Doberman Pinscher.
When did you lose Kane?
29th May 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Penny and Kane's Story so far
Kane was a beautiful red Dobie that my husband and I brought into our family at 9 wks old. He was born on 12/29/2001. He filled our home with his life and presence. In early 2007, he was diagnosed with Wilson's Disease, a liver condition resulting from a lack of ability to process copper. His diagnosis came about due to a lump on his belly that I found. It was tested and though not serious, it signaled other issues. After a six month treatment for his condition, he progressed and got significantly better. He remained on a treatment of prednisone to prevent inflammation. It worked well.
Earlier this year, he began to gain weight and have arthritic discomfort from the prednisone. Though his liver was fine, his thyroid began to act up and we began a regimen of treatment. He also began an injectible glucosamine therapy for the arthritis. He was doing wonderfully. He would run around like a puppy after his weekly injections. It was amazing. On May 28, 2011, I spent the day planting a garden. My husband took Kane for his weekly vet appt. He was fine. No worries.
After gardening I spent the afternoon on the porch with him as we had an evening wedding and always spent as much time as possible with him. We left the house at 4:30 for the festivities and slipped out of the wedding at 10:00, feeling as though we really wanted to go home. The ceremony/reception was an hour away and we got in about 11:00 p.m. Kane was waiting at the window and very excited to see us come home. After taking him out, he came in, ran up the stairs to the bedroom and jumped up on the bed.
I had left the room to change and my husband was in the bathroom brushing his teeth. I heard an unusual sound and ran into the room. Kane was breathing weird and I counted 3 deep inhales with exhales through his nose. I called my husband quickly and he ran in. At that time, Kane's head was down, his eyes open but rolling backward and his tongue out. His body had let go and he was limp and breathless. I immediately performed a mouth to snout CPR and felt his body accept the breath like blowing into a balloon. I was exhausted and crying and don't know for how long but within a few seconds, his stomach lifted, he gagged and lifted his head. He licked me and laid his head down, totally exhausted. We got a cool towel and covered him, rubbing and petting him to stimulate him. He responded by wanting to be petted. He moved his head so that I would rub under his chin, exactly where he loved to be rubbed.
My husband laid on one side of him and I on the other, trying to keep him focused. He saw that he he no control of his front legs, he could not move them though he tried. He also had no control of the right eye or that side of the face, but we continued to try and keep him alive. We had one hour with him. He cuddled us and got excited when we told him we would take him swimming the next day (his favorite thing) if he could hold on. We brought him back around 11:30 that night. He had him until about 1:00 a.m. We laid there with him, talking to him and rubbing him but about 1:00 he took 3 deep breaths and stopped again. We frantically tried to do CPR on him again but this time was different. The air didn't enter his body, it exited through his mouth. It was different than before. He had left us and we could do nothing to bring him back.
My husband brought him down to his bed and covered him. We both cried the entire night and waited to hear him move, bark... something.
But there was nothing.
We have laid him to rest and we cry nightly.
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