Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jordana & Jobies'

About Jobies
Jobies, my 16 year old male fox terrier.
When did you lose Jobies?
Sunday 29th November 12.45pm
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Fear, grief and guilt.
Jordana and Jobies Story so far
My dog Jubilee was run over and killed a few months before Jobies was born. As we had mum and dad mum said I could have pick of the next litter. When they were born I picked a female dog, however Jobies very quickly put and end to that, attaching himself to me very early on. He has been my friend through high school, when I had no friends, and was always there for me. When I went to Uni and a mature aged student Jobies had to stay behind, but his excitement at seeing me came home made up for how much I missed him.
Your Pet Loss Diaries - 'Jordana & Jobies'
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