Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Karen & Gigi'

About Gigi
Gigi was a 10 pound Yorkiepoo with black and silver silky, wavey hair.
When did you lose Gigi?
Gigi passed away on July 5th 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I'm very very sad and keep going over the last few days of her life. I sometimes just break down and sob.
Karen and Gigi's Story so far
Gigi has been her Mom's girl since she was a pup. My husband bought her for himself, but she bonded tighter to me. Six years ago she developed pancreatitis, but recovered fully. Then we were told a year later that she had Cushings disease. We always watched her diet and was diligent with her meds after that.
About two months ago we found out that she was suffering from renal disease. Needless to say we were heartbroken. We were trying so hard to keep her healthy and life just kept dealing her a bad hand.
On Wednesday June 29th, I knew something was wrong with my little girl. It took two days, but she was finally diagnosed with pancreatitis. She stayed at the vets to receive aggressive treatment. I went to see her twice a day to help keep her spirits up, but she wasn't getting any better.
On the day she died they transfered her to the U of I vet. emergency medical clinic. There she had an ultrasound and needle biopsy of her pancreas. She was diagnosed with necrotizing panceatitis and I knew that this was the end of the road for my sweet baby.
My husband and I spent time talking to her and petting her and then he couldn't take it anymore. I held her in my arms and told her how much I loved and what a good girl she was until she passed away. The most heart wrenching time in my life. How could this have happened to my sweet little girl.
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