Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Trish & George'

About George
George was a grey Sphynx. He had big green eyes, huge ears and a rat-like tail. He loved to sunbathe and sit on heater vents.
When did you lose George?
February 16, 2011
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Anger, extreme sadness.
Trish and George's Story so far
George was born on Sept 19, 2006. He flew to my hometown in December and I missed his first week home because I was in the hospital. A month later my daughter was born. George immediately settled in with his 2 older brothers, Newman and Kramer. George was sick from very early on and we found out about his heart condition when he was just a few months old. We knew his time with us would be short lived. He loved to play with his cat brothers and he was the only cat that tolerated his dog brother, Jerry. You could always find him sleeping under the kids covers, in a sun spot, or on a heater vent. He used to follow the sun patches in the house throughout the day as they moved. His purr sounded like an alien, totally indescribable in words! I adored him with all my heart and miss him more than words can express.
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