Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Sharon & Elijah'

When did you lose Elijah?
At 3:58 A.M. today, Dec 13, 2011 my tiny Eli left my arms for his journey to the Rainbow Bridge.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
Absolutely broken and wishing I had done something differently that might have spared his life.
Sharon and Elijah's Story so far
Little Elijah was born just three days ago on Dec 10. Eli was the first of three pups born to a senior mother who is a sweet little Maltese-Yorkie mix.
Upon agreeing to foster Thelma for a large rescue organization I was told that she had been spayed. When it was clear that wasn't the case as she we recently "noted" her obvious condition, it was much too late to do anything about the pregnancy in spite of the possible danger to Thelma, and it was our vet's recommendation to wait.
Her delivery was as normal as it would have been if she was a much younger dog, and the pups came easily over a five hour period. Little Eli was pup #1. Pup #2 was stillborn with obvious leg deformities, and pup #3 active as well. Chunky and healthy appearing, I fell instantly in love with little Eli and already pictured how he would look a couple of weeks from now.
On the second morning my sweet little one just went to sleep. A rescuer for many years, each loss is profound for me, and even this new little spirit was instantly bonded with us all. My dreams for his life are shattered. I am so sorry tiny darling.
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