Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Skeeter & Dukey'

About Dukey
Dukey, he was a Golden Lab and Sharpi. He was a service dog, that I trained.
When did you lose Dukey?
I lost him March, 2012 I can not remember the date. I also lost his buddy Bear a week later. I will do one for Bear later.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Or how are you feeling right now?
I am all stages, it feels like, I am going in to a depressed state. I am crying, angry, hurt, scared, that is for starters.
Skeeter and Dukey's Story so far
Dukey, I lost you and a week later I lost Bear, I remember the day I got you, I just had shoulder surgery a week earlier, it was is Dec, and it was cold, Richard went into Smiths to get something, I don't remember, but you were this yellow, bundle of puppy. You were a Golden Lab, and Sharpie. He put you through the window of the car, you were jumping around like a puppy you turned around and saw my shoulder and you stopped, looked at me and real gently laid your head down on my shoulder. I knew then you were something real special sent to me.
You were suppose to be Richard's dog but that lasted only one day. I had Richard put you in the head board on the bed, you cried and cried until I put my other hand up there so you can lay your head on it. The next day stupid Richard refused to wake up take you potty, Bear was up and ready to go out, I had to with one hand get you off the bed, then with my feet I scooted you down the hall to the door, I got your butt out and it was cold, Bear was already, out doing his thing and you just sat there. Well I had to get the paper from the drive way, you followed me all the way. This was a everyday thing with you and Bear. You would only go potty on the porch in the wood pile.
Well one day Bear who at the time was smaller than you but not by much, got tired of you going potty on the porch and pulled you down the steps by your neck. I was laughing so hard, he taught you to go in the yard. From then on you and him were best of friends. He taught you a lot. It was so funny watching the 2 of you.
Back to the paper, everyday you would got out with me to get the paper. Well one day you ran ahead of and picked up the paper and brought to me, the paper was bigger than you, but you did it. I knew then you were born to be a service dog. I got treats and all that but they were more than just a treat. One day I was fixing a stew, and cutting carrots and you wanted one, I told you you would not like them, I gave you one and you loved it, so there was the training aid. I was still in a sling and I started training you for my service dog.
OMG Duke you were so smart. It did not take much to teach you, I had you doing things unreal, you were my baby. I always felt so guilty having you as you were so awesome. Your favorite was to roll over and bang play dead. You would do stupid things to get me to laugh, and the more I laughed the more you did it.
OMG The day Bear decided to teach you to dig. We live next to a church, and it was on a Sunday, we were digging up weeds and hedges, Bear started by using one paw then the other, then with both, you 2 were right beside me, church was letting out, and you and Bear were digging and burying me, I was sitting on the ground, I started laughing, the more I laughed the more you did it. Then I pointed to the ground and said dig and you did it. From that day on if I said dig you did it. One day you and me were digging up small trees, we were in front of Dads trailer digging up trees and I heard Dad laughing, Dad told me that was the lazy way of digging up trees.
You were awesome, Duke, I remember being up at Dads property, and I was being a show off, just to p*ss off my step sister, Dad wanted a beer, I told you get Grandpa a beer out of the ice chest, and you did it and took to Dad, Dad could not believe it, then I told you to get me a Dr.Pepper and low and behold you did it. By this time I had you doing things for me, a full service dog. You, Bear and Buggar, all slept with me, you were so protective of me, if Richard left the bed room the second he put his foot over the door way you would jump up and keep him at the door until I woke up and told you it was ok.
I have so many memories of you. I miss you so much. I have so many more memories, but my I can't write any more right now.
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