Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Lisa & Dave'

About Dave
Dave, Long Dave, Davey Wavey Gravey... He started life as Elvis. European short hair tabby cat gray and white with stunning green eyes.
When did you lose Dave?
We lost him between the 16th and 17th of February 2011. Found him on the 18th.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
I don't even know the stages. I just want him back. Kicking myself for not appreciating him more when he was alive.
Lisa and Dave 's Story so far
He came to me through a work collegue. He was weaned too early. He fitted in the palm of our hand. He was a bit wild and our existing cat couldn't stand him. They eventually worked out the living arrangements. He drove me nuts always wanting to get up on the kitchen counters and licking the stove. I'd chase him out all the time. He'd greet us in the drive like the dogs and roll around in the dirt meowing and purring. He wasn't the most cuddly cat, but you knew when he wanted love. He liked to walk in the woods with us during the sunshine and the rain. He was raised by our lab/spaniel cross and they were such good pals. It was sweet to see him still nudge up to the dog looking for some animal affection. He was nearly 5 years old when he died.
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