Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Delaine & Daisy Mae'

About Daisy Mae
Daisy Mae Friesen, my rednose Pitbull. Daisy was red with a white chest and white on the tips of her paws. She had the most beautiful soft brown gentle eyes. I will never forget the way she looked.
When did you lose Daisy Mae?
January 30 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
Shock, crying all the time, gut wrenching pain when I think of her. Feeling like no one understands what I am going through and feeling all alone.
Delaine and Daisy Mae's Story so far
We rescued Daisy almost 6 years ago from a abusive home. We loved her and cherished her. She was a funny little clown with a slapdash sense of humor and above all so devoted to us and so happy for some attention and petting. She loved running free at the beach and quite often would ignore us when we called for her, but when she was done her exploring she would happily run back to us. Christmas morning was always such fun. She would race down the hall find her presents and tear into them. We all laughed at her and she loved every minute of it. She was our silly girl. I still can't believe that she is gone. God this pain is awful I miss her soooooo much. I cry all the time and I wonder if I will ever find peace and happiness again.
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