Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Sheila & China'

About China
China my 12 year old 75% Rottweiler cross with a 25% German Shepherd.
When did you lose China?
July 11 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I am at the stage where I don't look for her every 2 seconds. But still wish I could cuddle her.
Sheila and China's Story so far
I got China from my brother shorty after she was hit by a car only ended up getting a tendon rip she was 6 months old. When she became my dog she was always at my side. She became protector of the cats and my best friend. She tried to be friends with everyone but was also protective when needed. China loved to be around children and also loved to pull them in the sled come winter she kept doing it until this last Winter.
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