Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Michelle & Buddy Lee'

About Buddy Lee
Buddy Lee Logwood was my tan and white red nose Pitbull. He was 14 years old.
When did you lose Buddy Lee?
June 4, 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I am so sad and think about him all the time. I carry his pictures in my purse everywhere, I have his picture in a frame beside my bedwith his collar. He is the last thing I see before bed and the first thing when I wake up. I am just lost and do not know how to stop grieving and crying all the time. I think people think I am crazy but he was in my life a long time and I was not ready to let him go.
Michelle and Buddy Lee's Story so far
I remember the day I got him it was 6 other puppies and when I saw him I knew that he was the one. I brought him home and at the time I did not work so we were together all day and night, he slept with me and he was so smart. He went with me everywhere and loved to ride. He was the most handsome dog ever sitting in the passenger seat. He was sweet, never growled or hurt a thing I would take him to have his picture took and to see Santa. He was like a child, then I had a child and he was ever sweeter, never jumping and always gentle around her. Everyone loved Buddy Lee but no oneloved him like I did. He was always there for me when I had no one else. He lived a great life and grew old gracefully. He was blind and deaf and could not control his bladder the day I had to put him down and on that day a piece of me died too. A piece that I will not get back or see again till it is my time to go to that glorious place called heaven. I know that my Buddy Lee is there waiting for me.
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