Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Casey & Blackie'

About Blackie
Blackie. He was my black Lab/Chow.
When did you lose Blackie?
February 24th 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Depression and grieving.
Casey and Blackie's Story so far
We had a good almost 11 years together. He saved me from my abusive father, he was always there when I was crying he would come up an lick my face all over and lay in my lap or near me until I stopped. He had a fear of fireworks so on the fourth of July he would sleep all cuddled up next to me pretty much taking up the whole bed by laying in the middle of it. He had these amazing tricks I have never seen any other dog do before and he was happy with the simplest of things he would always jump on me and slobber me to death when I came back in from going somewhere. He could always tell when something is wrong and he never left my side. When I got pregnant he never not once left my side he was always around me making sure me and my daughter was okay. He was the most perfect dog but he got older and we couldn't figure out what was wrong with him and we took him to many vets over 3,000 dollars spent and no one could tell us what was wrong and the day after we took him to get him put to sleep me^^ and my Mom's friend called and had us look up the symptoms of Cushings disease and found out that's what he had and we all assume it's a form of cancer because the treatment is chemotherapy which is $250 a month. He was getting old and the Chow in him was coming out and also him being sick made him really aggressive and he bit my daughter and left a through and through tooth hole in her head. So my Mom went and got him put to sleep but they didn't put him to sleep until March 5th because they had to quarantine him for 10 days as a dangerous animal and I know he was so scared up there especially because of the thunderstorm that went on the next night he was scared of them :( I hope he did not go out thinking we were mad at him or that we hated him if he thinks that when it's my time and I join him in heaven I will let him know we wasn't mad and we didn't hate him. I love him soo much I really want him back now knowing we could have fixed him :(
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