Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Mark & Bicky'

About Bicky
Bicky, my Japanese mixed Shiba.
When did you lose Bicky?
January 2nd, 2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Mark and Bicky's Story so far
Devastated. That’s the one single word that can capture how I feel, having lost the greatest friend I have ever had. After the death of “Bicky”, my dog, the grief that has encapsulated me has been both suffocating and relentless. I walk around like a zombie, and my existence can only be measured by various degrees of helplessness, hopelessness, and distress. It’s frightening because this inescapable depression appears unending and I am really at a loss of what to do. So here I am… Perhaps writing about Bicky’s passing to those who have experienced such a loss (and understand the magnitude of such a thing) will somehow be therapeutic for me. I feel the only way to convey the devastation of such a loss would be to articulate the depth of the friendship and love I had for him; and the best way to do this is to tell our whole journey together. It is my hope too that this may help others who have also experienced the loss of a beloved pet and can identify with our story. I will add chapters in installments over the following days and weeks.
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