Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Kristin & Bailey'

About Bailey
Bailey my male, red, Cocker Spaniel, 14 years old.
When did you lose Bailey?
April 9, 2012.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
Sense of loss, huge hole in my heart.
Kristin and Bailey's Story so far
Our Beautiful Bailey Boy went to Heaven yesterday (April 9, 2012). We shared 14 years of unconditional love, compassion, hugs, and tears of joy and sadness. Bailey was a Red Cocker Spaniel. We got him after we lost our first baby. We are blessed to have 2 beautiful children now, of which he shared in the joy, but was also there to share our pain and tears for the 4 other babies we lost. I know the decision we made was for the best, but the hole in my heart aches so terribly..... just devastated that I won't hold or pet him again or see him run in the yard. You are forever in my heart Bailey.... there will never be a day I don't long for your companionship or licks.
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