Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Jennifer & Andre Lee'

About Andre
Andre Lee was a long haired chihuahua. My little boy. I've had him since I was in 3rd grade and he was just a few months old. I am now 21 years old and Andre died at 14 years old. He was my little old man and was very very affectionate and loved being around people.
When did you lose Andre?
Andre passed away Wednesday night 6/29/2011.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at?
Guilt and sadness.
Jennifer and Andre's Story so far
Andre had lost so much weight the older he was getting. My mom started feeding him chicken and meat and he gained weight again. His legs weren't as strong but still made an effort to walk. Sometimes he would just lay in bed all day and other days he would walk (or try) around. During the day he passed, I was sitting with him in my arms and his breathing was shallow and his heartbeat was slow. I knew that he wouldn't make it during the night. He was cold and his body was stiff and my sister said it's signs that his body functions were shutting down slow and that he would die within the next few hours. I held him close and kissed his head and said "my baby boy" and laid him down again. My 11 year old Pomeranian, Nona would not leave his side, as if she already know what was going to happen to her friend. A few hours later before going to bed I checked on him and he was gone. I could not stop crying. I painted his back right paw with nail polish and pressed it against paper so I can have his paw print. I wish I had the money to cremate him. I loved my Andre so very much and knew he would go soon. He had a very good life and I'm glad I didn't have to go with the euthanasia. He just took a nap and never woke up. No suffering, no crying. Just went to sleep. I love you baby boy and I miss you so very much.
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