Your Pet Loss Diaries
'Thomas & Anastasia'

About Anastasia
Anastasia, my white, female, long haired German Shepherd.
When did you lose Anastasia?
16 December 2009.
At which stage of pet loss grief do you feel you are currently at? Or how are you feeling right now?
I am missing her all the time and at times feel so sad that she is not here beside her Dad.
Thomas and Anastasia's Story so far
Anya, her name for short, was my wifes dog to when we had since she was a puppy. She joined the pack which included Carson our Labrador and later Jack out X Terrier arrived from rescue. Anya was a very timid girl at the start but matured into a very stable and loving dog so much so she used to tell me to wake up and get to bed if I fell asleep. She was a right nag at times, but so very much loved. She loved being in the car and sausages oh and Steak (Beef) her ears would prick up if you said Beef or Play.
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