by Karen Miller
(Willimantic, CT)
I am dog lover and I have many dogs in my lifetime. The grief of losing them for me is just gut wrenching; especially if they are sick or I have had to make the decision to end their life. I was especially close to my beloved Beagle, Houdini, who suffered from congestive heart failure for several years. I had gone on vacation and my adult son was home with her. She passed away the day after I returned home from my vacation.
I was so grief-stricken I couldn’t stand the overwhelming pain I felt. The pain was absolutely gut-wrenching. I searched online for comfort because I feel that in times like this, connecting with others who understand the depths of your sorrow, helps. I found your site and it has been a godsend. I was able to post a photo and memories of my best friend. It is very comforting for me, personally, to read other people’s stories and what they are feeling and going through.
Sometimes you seem to think that there is something wrong with you, that you are not getting over this overwhelming sense of loss and grief. Websites like yours, are very therapeutic and comforting to those of us in excruciating pain due to loss of our pets. I want to say thank you for having such a wonderful website, which truly is a godsend to those of us seeking some sort of comfort during those dark days.
For me, keeping a journal of your thoughts and feelings is very helpful too. Houdini has been gone almost two years and I still am unable to create a journal of her (I just don't feel it will do her justice--I want it to be perfect). I tried reading the journal I wrote after she died but am unable to get through the first page. But I do believe it helps to get your feelings down on paper.
Your website has helped a great deal to deal with the pain that is felt when you have a beloved pet who is sick or who has passed on. Thank you for the wonderful work you do—it is so important for those of us who are suffering and just can't find peace. Peace and good wishes to all of you who read this.