Comments for

Your Pet Tributes


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by: Anonymous

So sorry even I had Snowie whom I lost on 25.5.11 forever. I see, feel Snowie everywhere. May God give you courage to deal with the loss.

Your Beautiful White Boy
by: Theresa

Dear Arlene,

I feel your grief and your pain, he was one beautiful white boy... Snowie, together always.

With heartfelt love...

Theresa x

' Snowie' The Beautiful White Boy
by: Theresa

Dear Arlene,

That was a beautiful tribute to a beautiful boy.
I am so sorry for your loss and it seems that he tried to stay with you for as long as his weak body would allow him.

You are and always will be together in death as you were in life, and I know he will be waiting for his forever mummy.

My heart and thoughts go out to you Arlene, you were both so fortunate to have found each other here on earth.

May God Bless You Both and may he heal your pain, as I hope one day in time he will heal mine over the loss of my Shimma and Zeusy and all my other 4 legged children.

With heartfelt love...


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