by Mary
Murphy came into our lives when we first moved to VT. We adopted him from a local shelter and he was instantly a part of our family. We say he was my husband's dog as he would whine about the house when my husband was outside. He couldn't bear to be away from him and secretly my husband felt the same. He was a wonderful dog and never caused trouble. He and my husband often went for long runs and walks together.
He always slept under my side of the bed as if to watch over me while I slept but never coming to bed unless we were all in for the night. After we had children, he slept in the hall between our rooms so he could watch over the entire family. He was such a special dog and a best friend. We loved him so much and letting him go was one of the hardest things we'd ever done. He's been gone for almost a year and we still think of him every day.
Murphy, we love you and you will be in our hearts forever
Mom, Dad and the boys